Monthly Jam open for registration
bipoc EQUITY pricing
In order to reimburse People of Color for the extra work and effort it takes to be in a predominantly white space, Happier Valley Comedy offers Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) our Equity Pricing. This "green-lining" price structure aims to provide some balance for the historic, grossly unjust "red-lining" of BIPOC in the greater world of improv comedy, wellness, and beyond. To repay the extra effort and show our gratitude for the favor of joining our community while we work hard to achieve more equitable representation, we offer our programs at a 50% savings or free (whichever is preferred) for BIPOC.
if it's full... fill the waitlist
If the class or workshop you're interested in is full, please sign up to the waitlist below.
We'll let you know if a space opens up.
Contact us for more details.
We'll let you know if a space opens up.
Contact us for more details.